Duda Website Packages

Explore our range of customized packages that are tailored to meet the unique demands of your business, with enhanced security, seamless integrations, and exceptional scalability.

How We Can Help You

Elevate your online presence with Commexis' solutions.

At Commexis, we understand that your business's needs are as unique as your vision. That's why we've crafted a suite of packages designed to launch and elevate your online presence, with the flexibility to grow and adapt through our comprehensive range of add-on services. Discover how our solutions can transform your digital footprint, making your business not just visible, but unforgettable.

What We Do

Our Core Duda Packages

Start Strong, Scale Smartly. Our three-tiered approach ensures there's a perfect fit for every stage of your business journey. From the Foundation Package, designed for emerging businesses, to the Market Leader Package, for those ready to dominate their industry, we provide the tools you need for online success. Each package offers up to 25 pages of custom-designed website, SEO, local marketing essentials, and more, with scalability at its core.

Website & Local Marketing Solutions made easy

Choose Your Plan

Simple, affordable, and live in only a few weeks! Unleash your business' online potential.



Custom Website: Up to 25 pages*
Website Hosting & SSL Certificate
ADA Compliance Widget
Full Site Copywriting & On-Page SEO
Enhanced Local Search Visibility
Google My Business & Google Map Listings Set-Up
Domain Management
Google Analytics Creation/Integration
Monthly Analytics/Hosting Report
1 Hour of Website Updates Per Month
Email Support
Add-on Flexibility: Option to add additional services or updates as needed

Ideal for new and small businesses aiming to boost their online presence.

$299 / month


Custom Website: Up to 25 pages*
Website Hosting & SSL Certificate
ADA Compliance Widget
Full Site Copywriting & On-Page SEO
Ongoing SEO Campaign
Google-Friendly Local Business Highlights
Google My Business & Google Map Listings Set-Up
Domain Management
Google Analytics Creation/Integration
Monthly Analytics/Hosting Report
2 Hours of Website Updates Per Month
Email & Phone Support
Social Media Profile Creation
Add-on Flexibility: Enhanced option to add additional marketing or website services

Ideal for businesses looking to grow and scale their online presence.

$399 / month

Market Leader

Custom Website: Up to 25 pages*
Website Hosting & SSL Certificate
ADA Compliance Widget
Full Site Copywriting & Advanced Ongoing SEO Campaign
Google-Friendly Local Business Highlights
Google My Business & Google Map Listings Set-Up & Management
Domain Management
Google Analytics Creation/Integration
Monthly Analytics/Hosting Report
3 Hours of Website Updates Per Month
Priority Email & Phone Support
Social Media Profile Creation & Management
Monthly Blog Posts
Add-on Flexibility: Premium add-on options for comprehensive marketing strategies and advanced website features

Ideal for businesses looking to expand and boost online visibility with frequent updates.

$499 / month

All prices are in USD and charged per site with applicable taxes added at checkout.

All plans require a yearly contract, but are billed monthly. Yearly billed plans are available by request.

*Larger sites may require an additional fee.

Discover the Duda Difference

Why Duda?

Dive deeper into how Duda elevates your online presence with advanced features, unparalleled support, and seamless integration capabilities.

Rapid Deployment

Rapidly deploy your website with Duda's streamlined tools, ensuring a swift and efficient setup.

Cost-Effective Pricing

Experience cost-effective pricing with Duda, offering competitive rates and optimal value for every budget.

Sleek, Responsive Designs

Unlock sleek, responsive designs with Duda, ensuring your website looks great on any device.

Customize Your Path to Success.

Expand with Add-On Services

As your business evolves, our add-on services will support your limitless digital needs.

Advanced SEO Campaigns

Elevate your search engine presence with strategies tailored to your business goals.

Content Creation

From blog posts to video content, tell your story in a way that resonates and converts.

Social Media Management

Engage and grow your audience with expertly crafted campaigns across all major platforms.

E-Commerce Solutions

Expand your sales with a seamless online shopping experience.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Drive targeted traffic with ads that convert, on Google, Facebook, and beyond.

Email Marketing

Connect with your audience directly through beautifully designed email campaigns.

Custom Integrations

Whether it's booking systems, CRM tools, or something unique, we've got you covered.

Future Proof your online presence

AI Ready & Compatible

Our team can seamlessly integrate AI functionality into your site, providing cutting-edge technology to enhance user experiences. With our comprehensive website design, development, hosting, and ongoing support services, along with a range of digital marketing solutions, we've got all your needs covered. Let's make your website smarter together!

Our Latest Work

Transforming your brand, messaging, and business goals through our expertise.

Abacus Payroll website screenshot

Abacus Payroll

Revamping Abacus Payroll's digital presence with a custom designed and developed website that accurately portrays their industry leadership and services.

Abacus Payroll website screenshot


We crafted a custom website for RCGZ Law, seamlessly merging design and development to elevate their online presence.

Abacus Payroll website screenshot

Burlington County Board of Social Services

Revitalizing the digital presence of Burlington County Board of Social Services with a custom designed and developed WordPress website.


Your Expert Partner

Why choose Commexis?

Your Success is Our Mission. With over 20 years of experience, a commitment to quality, and a passion for digital excellence, we're not just your service provider—we're your partner in growth. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way, from the initial strategy to ongoing optimization and beyond.


  • Duda VS WordPress?

    Duda provides a streamlined, user-friendly platform designed for rapid website deployment, emphasizing design simplicity and effective client management tools. This approach allows for quicker setup compared to WordPress, which, while offering extensive customization through a vast array of plugins and themes, typically requires more time to develop and can be more costly due to the need for specialized skills and maintenance.

  • How does Commexis' process work?

    Our process is very simple.

    1. Pick Your Plan - Choose which plan fits your business best and sign up.
    2. Discovery Meeting - After signing up, we will have a meeting to discuss your project, your goals, next steps, and explain how to share your brand assets.
    3. Site Build - We design and build your site, while sharing it with you for feedback.
    4. Site Launch - Once your site is approved to go live, we update your domain settings and launch your site.
    5. On-Going Updates - After the site is live, you can use our easy to use customer dashboard to share your whatever updates are needed or you can make them yourself with our easy to use CMS. 
    6. Project Add-Ons - You can purchase a variety of add-ons that we can easily and quickly implement into your site.
  • How long does it take to get my website live?

    Most sites will take anywhere from 3-6 weeks, but this heavily depends on if the content is ready, how many revisions are needed, and the size and complexity of the site. 

  • Do I own my website?

    After 1 year with Commexis, your website and content are yours. After that, you can can continue working with us or we can export your site files.

Have any questions? We're always here to answer.

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